Thursday, May 9, 2019

The autobiography of both Ann Coulter and I, while they try to cover it up or try to make this crazier!  Who is going to pay for the damages and expunge all of the mistakes, corruption, abuse of tax dollars, criminal conspiracy, dependency on tax dollars, etc.  THIS WAS ABOUT A LEGAL SYSTEM OF CONVICTS WHO WANT OTHERS TO BE DEPENDENT ON TAX DOLLARS AND THE 1960s STAFF (CATHOLICS, BLACKS, IRISH, IMMIGRATION DISASTERS, LACK OF IQ, ETC...) IT IS CALLED A GROSS INJUSTICE AND THEY ARE STILL TRYING TO COVER IT ALL UP AND REFUSE TO EXPUNGE ANY OF IT!  THEN WHY HASN'T IT BEEN CORRECTED, EXPUNGED, OR IN PRINT FORM?


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I was hoping he would address and reveal the US Navy’s new Teutonic Weapon because he is the world’s most powerful black man. So if Bin Limbaugh is calling him a “magic Negro” then he was not joking around and not fooling us. As far as his economic policies and new pilot program; I nearly puked my brains out. This housing and toxic asset problem goes back to the early 1980s with HUD and the war on poverty. The housing problem has not gone away and neither has the toxic assets; thus debt and spiraling inflation. Another year of downfall and massive deficits; pink slip heaven is coming. If the local and state governments endure three more years of this; they will be junk bonds, bankrupt, and will go belly up under his watch. We should blame the liberals and left wing for rumors and paranoia, real or imagined, that is what got us hear. The criminal prosecutions are on backup and so are all of the civil suits; there is no need to call us; contact us everyday; and then the flimsy apologies. Want to really apologize; then write it down and let all the chips ball. Now, it is win all or loose all; a point of saturation and no return. On Afghanistan, “you lie.” You are going out with a shebang! His commitment to Haiti is also double the burden. Obama is going into a no win situation; no way to win; the only way is to damage.

Monday, September 28, 2009



Sean Bin 911 is actually defending the predator and rapist, stating his victim has forgiven him. He is using the same defense when it is a complete lie and part of his total lunatic rampage. We implemented a 29 day decree since they knocked on my door and said to leave his wife alone; they want a fight. The reason why they are not gone or have left is they want a fight. Now they do not want a fight and the victims have forgiven them? Nobody has forgiven him and the only ones who have forgiven them is them. So long as they are there, they wish a fight and more terrorism. He says “this is exactly what the Israelis are going through” but the problem is this is not Israel and he must live by the Constitution; they had all the choices in the world to make obey the law and to contact or state their case. They chose to wage war and launch a terror plot. This is not Israel and he is not living in a Mossad or communist skin; he is living in a captured terrorist life and being questioned. Nobody said they forgave him except them.

Now they are slamming our door and getting in our face about stop messing with their wife; he means someone said stop messing with my husband. Then he went on attack; rape and murder and I said, get the hell away from my wife. We even know about Scott Wilson and so do they. “They were interrogating and was a source of great intelligence… actually begging”; the god damn psycho and stalker spy is gathering intelligence on 15, 16, 17 year old kids? Using other kids to interrogate if they can brainwash and recruit us? This is how they operate so Amy Baker could be their next rape victim or target. There is a string of people and he says the victims have forgiven them. He is also still following Ann and using stories off her web site; even rape related such as this Roman Polansky story which is a message to me about Scott Wilson. It made Rush admit it also. He is Scott Wilson and the real deal; the super weasel. This is just how they operate and always have. I said early on he was a child molester; was I wrong or ever?

Everybody is a witness; he has forgiven himself and says that I am messing with his wife or upstairs; on cue with Bin 911 Clinton. Ann’s fate; had I not get their bite off her or had she not gotten this bite off me would be below. The low life to do it is Rambo upstairs and he has even cut me and pulled several knifes on me; but is chicken. He knows and has fought me; if I catch him; I will make him pay for making a threat. Oh, he is going to be locked up for a long time; all of them if they survive this; I have asked for full reinforcements and they said they will blow up the FBI and any counter terrorist retaliation. I said I will fine them 1 million for each time they talk to me or a terrorist incidence. This little weasel is not only a serial killer and terrorist; he is a stalking rapist; not even phased and done it before; well seasoned. So rip them apart; they invaded. They are still there right; then they wish a fight and forgiven themselves. Give them the fight of their life and make sure they remember what their crimes are.

So Sean Bin 911 is a rapist and stalker and the below is the weasel; this is who they are and how they do it; Scott is this bastard; almost identical personality to that loser Scott Wilson. They say anything and do anything to squirm in your life then look for the opportunity to take you out or kill you; his dirty work butchers are upstairs; If is a safety net if he fails. Trust me; Sean Bin 911 is a butcher. In his mind, it is a lie so long as he is not in jail and they have won so long as they can say to our face we are blowing smoke up their ass. I got this all day long for the last four days; and they are knocking on my door and in my face; 29 days is the test. We do not even get paid for work and we get all the results and all the pain. Are they even getting paid? Then take them down. I gave an order and with no tolerance; I want them out of here now or this is their mess. We are quitting and we don’t get a god damn cent for working round the clock; I have a life also and it has been neglected for almost 20 years. So I want to see results and big returns; not told about blowing up FBI and Dealta by Irish drunks and a fat rapist psycho hooker.

Ann has an article on her web page on September 27, 2009; ( about Scott Wilson and that night my ex told me she was raped by him at age 13. Scott lives in a very wealthy neighborhood but like the Camelot crew and other side; were trouble makers, bad scholars, and a party atmosphere. They are very cruel and just take you down if they can. So she knew of the story and I had told her of this before. We had discussed this but it perplexed me; made me look like I was the suspect and Suzi was next; my buddy from high school.

This pattern of rape is very peculiar and keeps showing up as what Ann calls a recurring rape dream. To break away from the insanity of our inner circle being invaded or penetrated by the Camelot crew across town, of who were wealthy to very wealthy Catholics and Jews, I looked for a girl. I chose someone who looks like Ann Coulter (if you look at the Grateful Dead picture in High School) and was of Polish origin. What attracted me were the stunning $300 Benetton white dresses, the glasses, long flowing blonde hair, the complexion, and sense of intelligence. She turned out to be none of the above. She was moderately wealthy and her father was an executive at a company. I have heard recently about the rape cases in Eastern Germany, Czechoslovakia, and other World War II nations where rape was used as a weapon of war. They said 60 per cent of the women were raped and they cannot even document all the cases.

After the first year, we began to discuss a more lasting relationship. Suzi, my buddy from her side of town was taking my attention and showed me what cool girls are like. It never dawned on me she was interested and planning also. Suzi told me of her dark past and when she grew up; and then her personal feelings of her. I began to notice also and was trying to break off and severe the relationship before college. She would cry incessantly and it seemed wrong; why not just keep her around for my own enjoyment if she is fighting it so much; what could it hurt to be friends. It turned out to be horrible. I was made to feel jealous, suspicious, and all kinds of mixed confusion while at college and being bombarded by real women; also the beauty queen from Virginia was in my computer science class trying to be friends. I had to shut this off and take time off; a ball of confusion.

While preparing for college and having these deep talks at night, I honestly was preparing to end the relationship and move on; very confused. If not, then I knew once a stronger and smarter woman came along; I would notice and be happy; so it was a good training ground for marriage and the real deal. One night, my ex told me about Scott Wilson; the person mentioned by Rush as the rapist of Amy Baker. It never occurred to me it was him but he was a big threat. One time he woke me up at 3am and was in this state of psychosis; as if he could have killed me if the wanted and had that look. It was at my ex girlfriends condominium at the beach. I an a few friends got in a car and went her brother’s beach party at their beach house. Scott was there and was on a cocktail of drugs I suspect. Scott was avoided.

He always would act like Sean Bin 911, a weasel. He will say and do anything so long as he can get a ride, bum cigarettes, get beer, or some favor. He presented himself as a poet and artistically inclined. Dressed like a hip hippy and had a face of a Slavic. Scott is what they call a predator and you can sense this. I avoided him after watching him in action, being around him and fighting his onslaught of weasel and sniffing; and then just inviting himself along for every occasion. So one night, I got word he was also a rapist and the person who told me was my ex girlfriend. Now we can see how they are freaking out and thinking weird events are happening. It is like seeing a dead girl walking down the street or someone you killed on TV. So that is occurring with them and part of what they feel. Scott was a freeloader. His father looked clean cut and professional. Girls who knew him tolerated him; preferring girls. There was always something not right with Scott; a hidden motive; you just avoid him unless you wish to be his victim. He does it to everybody.

Going back to that night on the phone; I basically asked my ex when she lost her virginity and if she had ever been with other guys. I thought she would open up and tell the truth because I was leaving and if she did not; then it could have an impact on her if I met other more gorgeous and grown up girls; especially with my brains. My string of straight A’s ended in 11th grade and life began going down hill and crashing because of this friendly invasion by the Camelot crew of Catholic, Irish, and Jews from the other side of town. They partied a lot and hosted at least two or three parties a week; big parties and the ones you want to show up or feel left out. Not part of the gang mentality and the inside crowd; I had that feeling setting in also and broke off. It was just constant insult and jockeying for friends, a tug of war. So she past sex life was the topic.

She told me she was not a virgin and she had a boyfriend when very young. Then she lost her virginity. It was never told to me but I felt this was hidden. Then she told me stories and the name Scott Wilson came up and I said I hated him and did not like him. How I felt he was sneaky and always trying to act innocent while getting something from you or bullying you; he never bullied me, he had a guy pretty rich (looks exactly like Obama’s Press Secretary… intimidate me once and I avoided them ever since; even at parties or functions. I felt a hit on me was on to embarrass me or bully me because I had the only Honda Interceptor in Virginia and was bad ass; straight A stars!) Everybody knew I was the General’s most beloved and had the smile and personality; girls adored me and would always sit with me or joke around. As I said, I had more sex before age 18 then most men had their entire life; then were celibate almost after meeting Ann. Ann allowed me to date as her fiancĂ© and before marriage; almost like a bachelor party. I had female buddies and hung with some girls who were only into marriage and family but valedictorians.

So I got this story how she (ex girlfriend) used to play or hang out with neighborhood kids and had been getting drunk since a very young age. She said she had a boyfriend “sort of” before me and would tell me bits of it. I asked when she mentioned Scott Wilson and she said to watch out for him and she did not like him. I said why and asked more. So she was telling me of her past sex life and how Scott was trying to get a piece after rumors got around. I asked if she ever dated him or was his friend and she got weird. I sort of felt she was lying; just bizarre. She told me that they hung out frequently around the neighborhood; one time she was very drunk and almost passed out (only age 13 or 14) and he walked her home. Then she said he asked her to go somewhere and she did and then he raped her. If you ask me, it did not sound like rape but she says it was and she was so drunk she did not even know what was going on. Then I am listening and just going “right… yeah… oh my god.” My respect and love for her was already gone; only good to keep around and be friends or talk to. She did have a great heart and was kind; never abusive. She just hung on you too much and got anxiety when you left or talked to other girls.

So from what she said, Scott Wilson raped her; led her somewhere and she was nearly passed out. She said she does not even remember and I could not tell who did what. I told her I never liked him anyhow. The odd thing was her mom was a former FBI forensic biologist; maybe involved in rape cases; maybe even a child of WWII. So Scott has the identical personality and is trying the exact same thing as Sean Bin 911. I do not know him and he only says he is a weasel; but from what I know, he is the same way. It appears as if rape is a recurring theme and they always try to put me with a woman who is a rape victim or close to it; some insane psycho drama and past. Ann has been severely affected by lies and this capturing of Red Dragon and this invading force. If so, they tried to do the same thing to her and failed; she was tipped ahead of time and knew. It seems as if it is the same thing and when Rush said it is still up for grabs, then a dead girl shows up at Yale; they really mean up for grabs and Ann approves.

Now the link between Suzi, Amy Baker, and Cassandra; how in the world did they end up in the same house in Falls Church? Cassandra is Spanish and is heavy on the makeup. I would not describe her as pretty; but I would say she has problems with acceptance and low self esteem. Scott began to date her when she was a senior, her last year even if he was two years behind. I had a girl who was two years behind and blonde hair. Cassandra had moved out of her house and had her own place; very private, maybe a sex pad. If she went out with Scott, he broke her in. After high school, she rented the place out (I think). So the house had a lot of girls, some younger and Scott’s age. He probably had that idea and freeloaded or used it to pick up girls; now only her friend; off and on love.

I think with two years remaining; Suzi and Amy dropped out also and moved in with Cassandra. Suzi then got pregnant but I was not around. So they stayed in the area because of school; then dropped out and had to get a GED. That is how Suzi and Amy got mixed up. That may be how Amy ended up down at the beach and in that hotel. That might be why Suzi told me this; she never said who or anything. I did not even know until returning from the US Army in 1993. So he might be shadowing or trailing me. Scott used to want to hang out with me or go drive with Jimmy Chatman and I around town. I stopped hanging with Jimmy as result and Jimmy decided to end the relationship with Scott; I refused to have him in my life. Jimmy was insistent but kept good relations and was a good friend.

I knew Cassandra moved out and had a house full of girls; all paying rent. Then in 1993 I was on R and R and went to Va. Tech to check in on my buddies from elementary school; on the way home went to a mansion 10 people were sharing; like a frat house in Mclean. It consisted of people two or three years older and even three years behind; class of 1986 to 1990; really strange. It was almost like a frat house but no college or just community college. I think that is how Scott and Amy got tangled if what Rush says is true. Scott has a history of rape and I was told he raped my ex poodle. After hearing her, I felt she was promiscuous and could not be trusted, also hiding a hidden past; skeletons in the closet. Rush did not give much details; but he knows quiet a lot. Amy Baker must have went to visit her friends or stopped by that house; maybe they followed her or abducted her, then took her there that fateful night. Back then, there were no gas stations, lights, or an exit ramp there; the next gas station is Lorton and 20 miles South on 95; someone knew that area well. It was the only area you could not get gas if you broke down. You cannot call 911 either; it is a long walk.

He calls it war games and our future political career. First, he has to block my admission or chances of getting into West Point; my brother was accepted into VMI also but opted to stay home and work while college. So they watched my brother and knew he had full acceptance in every military school; I was the most loved and the champion out of a geek family of engineers. Now my only option is labor and to join the unions if I want to get paid. They caused a defection, recruitment, and almost turned a commando into a terrorist; almost. They did pay my family well or direct business to them; such as hiring my sister to work in the White House under Clinton and Bush (Oh, and her first boyfriend was gunned down in an armed robbery in MD.) So they targeted us and were the ones behind all of this insanity in my life; then were lying low from 1989 to 1998 while I hit the books and went at it hard; then walloped me and kidnapped me. I had a 1984 Subaru in 1989 and it broke down in 1989 also; the clutch went and I threw it away before the Army. I had never broken down before.

How Rush knew or how he honed in on 1989 when I only found out after 1993; I do not know. It was just really strange and I recall that night Scott Wilson woke me up standing over me with this face; as if he was a lunatic. He said he had taken four hits of acid and was so wigged out; he is seeing trails. I asked him what he was doing near me and he said he was looking to see who was up at 3am. He did not wake me up; I woke up because I know when someone walks in a room. It is the beach, you crash wherever you can; I chose a balcony chair with a view and a nice breeze. He said I scared him. I think he used some date rape or some drug; maybe even spiked our drinks that night and I woke up on him because he waited until everybody went to bed. It was very strange and I had passed out really early. I also got the impression he was homosexual that night by how he was acting and touching me. Like upstairs, they are psycho and just want to be there; a total predator. They finally made contact in 1999 while I was living with Cassandra Floyd, working full time, and showed some stranger (half-black) from Chicago who lived upstairs in the above apartment. He never said his name, only he was staying with friends and was from Chicago; his parents were rich and owned a restaurant in Chicago; he wanted to go to go-go clubs.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Saturday, March 14, 2009 Do not be fooled by the Republicans either. There are a lot of bad Republicans as we have pointed out and they are just more difficult to detect than the people we caught. Do not let the endorsements and the support fool or put you in that bandwagon effect; it is difficult to determine what percentage of infiltration was needed to accomplish all of this. Look at the entire train wreck of Annie, it is the entire Republican side also and they use coalitions to shun you or act in unprincipled ways; that is Washington after Reagan. This Nope Grin-rich and Ann Coulter Reagan Ranch fest stinks if you ask me but I have asked Annie to tell me what kind of person she truly is and to show her colors. Some people will choose money and fame or loose their identity and give up what they cherish for that chance to ride the line. So they got egg on their face over Bush Limbro; they got Annie back good; the woman is blind. If you want to pull another fast one on me Annie, then get it over with. You delay and drag your feet and then try to make it up as usual.

So be it Annie, ride the line to hell. I asked you, your staff acted to push and say jump through their hoops; that is as far as I go. Have a blast on my expense again and again. I go no further and take my stand as always. It is not just the Democrats either; and unless you have a winning team; you will always loose or loose with those around you. As I said, I do not know you anymore and seen enough; if that is too weak for you then it is; I think you are psychotic and cherry picking to grow bigger. This is where I draw the line. You want to chase them, chase them to hell and back if you make it. Everybody just saw the spending packages pass and their big boss finally crumble, 80 per cent problem estimated on the right wing or infiltration; nobody is in charge and everybody is in charge. Newt Gingrich has taken Rush's place. Annie must be rendezvousing with him for a bid. They sided with her over me and so I am out and draw the line. Way to go Annie, I owe you another one; magnificent strategy to the train wreck and hypocrisy. We were at full power and now 20 per cent at most. Good job Annie, way to listen to me and fix your life or our life. You always drag me in these huge massive battles.

Also, can kiss my ass if they are the best or not. They are a dirty site and a dirty group of reporters but being promoted as the best political site out there. They like CPAC "want me back." I say kiss my ass; how about accountability. Isn't that the problem here; oh wait, why is Ann having problems again? Meanwhile, the left wing grows bigger and bigger. Start fresh and get a good combination and perfectionist on the right wing before they crash and burn on the trumpet of the left. The only way to beat them is to clean the House and Senate out, Republican Revolution my bony ass, more like a mob like racketeering collaboration with the left wing. I said support Obama to fix the nation; not pass every bill and earmark, they really twisted my words all around while I was fighting with Ann. So they want to prove themselves? I draw the line and the ring of fire, step into it again? It will take another ten years to catch another one of their clowns and spies. The government is fucking pathetic. So go join Newt Annie and your Reagan bunch; have fun and good riddance; we are at the point of no return and I have drawn the line with your crowd. If you are psychotic and lost your soul; please let me know now.

Friday, March 13, 2009



2/25/2009 3:30:49 PM speaking of a new bullet train or design, how about one that is completely elevated off the ground (animals, weather, cars, people, bridges, etc…) that has an overhead rail connected with a ball-bearing like seal, track is magnetic and oiled before arrival to reduce friction automatically (time spray), and has a wing or lift to float (bob and weave according to wing and wind sheers). Now the zero friction and the propulsion allows it to pick up speeds of 200mph and up (almost as fast as a prop plane), nearly zero safety hazards, and can travel from east to west coast in only two days nonstop.

The train is designed to “grab” or float on the rail depending on the physical forces exerted on it and It makes stops only at hubs only (almost like an overhead roller coaster). Designed as a safer and more comfortable ride than the typical 10 hour flight from east coast to west coast; the whole idea is not to use petrol based fuel and the emphasis on cost, speed, and safety. You cannot feel the physical forces of high speed. The rail system today is primitive and has to be upgraded soon. I would love to be the designer of this and the original architect using state of the art computers and remote sensors. Any investors out there wish to join the endeavors?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

ON THE OMNIBUS SPENDING BUDGET OF 2009: 400 billion in new spending and 6000 earmarks? When does this national nightmare end?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 1. Obama and the administration cannot say socialism works; show us one nation under god where it does? Also, how can they say the TARP or the Omnibus Bill will work with certain? With certainty we know it will not because it is already proven. 2. The stem cell issue and foreign aid Nancy Reagan is jumping in head and toe over only applies to one region, Africa. Africa is the only region which receives foreign aid now. I have spoken the to the President about single families, welfare reform, and various other topics which cause 40 per cent of blacks to end up in prison and the numbers are progressive. It will get worse and worse so stem cells is horrible; but it only applies to Africa. Obama did not take a consensus and did not consider the market aspects; if he went against this; Africa would be at civil war like the USA. Stem cell research is so insane I do not even want to think about it; the Human Genome Project is much more advanced and has much more gains; it is propaganda. Once they crack the RNA and DNA codes, the stem cell program is useless.

“Overnight, the media went from being watchdogs for the people to guard dogs for the government. That’s with the exception of Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, who are lapdogs of the government,” (I am the one who finger waves all the time) “masters of finger-waving indignation.”

“Nancy Reagan was so madly in love with Ronald Reagan,” Coulter said, “if you told her that we could bring Ronald Reagan back to life, cure Alzheimer’s by disemboweling everyone in this audience, she would say ‘do it.’”

ON THE OMNIBUS SPENDING BUDGET OF 2009: 400 billion in new spending and 6000 earmarks? When does this national nightmare end?

I am convinced that the entire leadership of the Republican Party has to be removed. The events occurring is inexcusable; however, I have already taken steps to get rid of all of them because these spending bills are as bad as government can get. We are dealing with hypocrites who vote for it then speak against it or reverse. The only leadership or forces working on this situation is out of the circle of government. 80 per cent of the Republicans turned out to be a cult follower or a dittohead; so expect a higher proportion with the Republicans. There is plenty of votes to oppose the vast misspending and crime spree. The only way to stop them is to get rid of them and this is not going to happen for another decade. You have to clean house to get rid of this disease and parasite with the liberals. Supporting Obama, the club, is one thing; voting for every spending bill and pork project is another. The Republicans just threw away 2012 by resisting this.